START UP NOTES: THIS INFORMATION IS CONTAINED IN THE FILE ETTUT.TXT THE PREVIOUS INSTALLATION PROMPT ATTEMPTED TO PRINT THIS FILE TO YOUR PRINTER. YOU MAY REVIEW THIS INFORMATION HERE. IF YOU CHOSE NOT TO PRINT IT IN THE PREVIOUS PROMPT, YOU MAY PRINT IT FROM THE DOS PROMPT BY TYPING IN THE DOS COMMAND: COPY ETTUT.TXT PRN [ENTER] When you first start The Salon Manager program it contains no data. You will need to enter information in three files to begin using the program: At the main menu select Administrative then Company File and enter the requested information about your Salon. Next while still at the Administrative menu select Unit/Bed File and enter the requested information for at least one of your tanning beds. You simply need to give it a Unit Id (BED01 ???) and a Description (optional). The description field may be usefull if you have several different models of beds and you wish to track usage and/or repair information. Next while still at the Administrative menu select Items/Services and enter the requested information for at least one of the Items or Services sold by your salon. Typically you could enter the information for a basic tanning package of ten sessions. Notice that you can also use this selection to enter other items sold by the salon, including oils or clothing, etc. Last, return to the main menu and select Customer File. Enter the requested information for a typical customer. This may be a real or test customer. You can then see the system in action. From the main menu select Customer Activity then select Sales and sell your test customer a tanning package of ten sessions. Then you can see how the Session Check in/out function works by selecting it and logging your test customer into a tanning session. Explore the remaining menu selections and read through the supplied documentation to familiarize yourself with the rest of the system.